Positively Unintended Consequences: The benefits of reducing and eliminating while microdosing


Positively Unintended Consequences: The benefits of reducing and eliminating while microdosing

In my previous article How to 10x your microdosing practice, I started unpacking the art of reducing and eliminating.

I introduced the topic previously by saying:  

”Although there is no steadfast rule against smoking, drinking alcohol, or coffee while microdosing, you may notice that reducing or eliminating them will boost any microdosing practice and overall quality of life.”

Accumulation is not just relevant regarding stuff that we own and assets that we maintain, less ideal habits can and do accumulate.

Luckily, there’s something about psilocybin that deconstructs all of that, gently removes what doesn’t serve us, and leaves the rest.

Let me explain.

Pruning, removing, and optimizing

When we microdose, many of us have noticed that our relationship with certain lifestyle habits is greatly reduced or simply goes away, and often without the use of any willpower whatsoever.

Habits like smoking, drinking, excessive eating, and recreational drug use can often just leave us when we start microdosing.

A US survey reads:

“of 343 people who claimed to have stopped or reduced alcohol consumption after a psychedelic experience, 63% of the sample also endorsed ‘improved diet,’ and 55% reported ‘increased exercise’ as a result of their psychedelic experience.”

Time and time again, we hear from our community members that they started microdosing for more focus at work, and over time, they’ve noticed that they don’t drink nearly as much alcohol anymore.

We start microdosing for whatever reason and every once in a while, positive and unintended consequences become manifest.

Positively unintended consequences 

How often do we hear the term ‘positively unintended consequences’? 

Well, never. I just made up this term because it’s part of the magic that psilocybin brings to our lives.

The term more commonly used is Spontaneous Behaviour Changes After Psychedelics, but I like my term better.

During our twice-monthly group coaching calls, here is how I often explain this awesome phenomenon.

Picture this scenario:

I get an invitation to a social event (work, extended family, etc). 

Normally, I decline these invitations outright, but when I do decide to make an effort and accept the invitation, anxiety is a locked-in feeling every day leading up to the event, during, and even after the event.

The constant level of anxiety affects every aspect of my experience. 

This anxiety directly contributes to how much I drink during the work event, 

It contributes to how I interact with others.

It is likely a scenario where I am likely to make poor choices.

And of course, I will drink too much, get home very late, then spend the weekend feeling awful and hungover. 

Same event, different experience 

Same event, same invitation, same people, but now I’ve been microdosing for a few weeks.

I accept the invitation to the event quite comfortably. 

So much so that I’m surprised to not be dealing with a sense of dread. 

I’m even more surprised to kind of feel like I’m looking forward to this social gathering.

On the big night, strangely, my social anxiety is hard to locate. 

I find myself chatting and mingling, it feels easy. 

Miracle of miracles, I don’t even order a third drink and get home before midnight!

Early the next morning, I lie in bed and think back to the night before. Deep exhale of relief that there are no cringe moments that deserve regretting. What a relief!

It’s 8:30 am. Feeling rested and content, I decide to go for a run. 

It’s not long before I notice that I’m running 3x times a week. 

Eventually, my alcohol consumption drops to nearly zero. 

No, willpower or internal pep talk is required, I just don’t want a drink like I used to.

Weeks go by. My work has improved. I’m sleeping better than ever. 

My mind feels sharp. I feel engaged in my life and enthusiastic about what is ahead for me.

In a few short months, my life changed, and with minimal willpower.

The above scenario is not only what we have experienced in our own lives, but what we are also hearing from our communities.

Less is more

The natural reduction and elimination of what doesn’t serve us allow for other things to come to the fore. 

It’s a clue that we are upgrading to the next level of ourselves.

Not dealing with certain substances or situations opens our lives up in wondrous ways.

The energy used when we execute lifestyle practices that do not serve us is immense. 

Once negative practices are reduced or eliminated from our lives is the exact moment, everything grows and flourishes exponentially.

Microdosing is a practice that allows us to change at a fundamental level. 

We never quite know how microdosing will affect each of us. 

In the community, we often say that mushrooms give us what we need and not what we ask for.

So if you are considering starting to microdose with psilocybin, be sure to do your research, get the OK from your doctor, and proceed with care.

Once those are in place, surrender to what psilocybin brings into your life. 

The changes may surprise you, and I reckon you will be so thrilled with the results.

What are some of the habits that have greatly been reduced or eliminated since microdosing?

As always, flow strong.

Asha ✨


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