Kinetic art is defined as a form of art that depends on movement for its effect.
When certain objects move in certain ways this can feel like a very psychedelic experience.
The dance between solid matter and fluid motion can be exhilarating to witness and even more so to interact with.
Here are 5 of my favourite kinetic art pieces:
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Have you ever seen sound move? All you need is a garden hose and a speaker. Watch how the water flows out in different wave patterns based on the music blaring from the speakers. Amazing!
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Stunning time-lapse of sand art
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Large-scale sand sculpture. The patterns drawn on the beach by this guy are just surreal
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This is a great kinetic sculpture that is simply mesmerising
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It’s called spin art and it’s so cool. A spinning surface, a sheet of paper and a marker make magic come to life!
Do you have a favourite psychedelic art piece you want to tell us about?
Tell me all about it in the comments below.
As always, flow strong.
Asha ✨
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