Is There An Ideal Time of Day To Microdose?

Good day

Some of you might know that I host a free group coaching call for beginners twice a month and also manage our Facebook and Discord communities.

During the calls in and in our groups, I teach our community members how to microdose and what it actually means.

We learn about the sweet spot and how to know when we’ve found ours.

We explore the benefits of journaling and tracking during and share afterglow stories.

One of the questions I often hear from beginners, is when is the best time to take our microdose?

This short question comes with a longer answer because we could be discussing the best time as in the time of life we find ourselves in or we could be talking about the ideal time of day to consume our microdose.

Birds Eye View

Starting on a macro level, is this a good time in your life to start microdosing?

The answer to this question depends upon a few factors. If you are currently taking any kind of pharmaceutical medication, please get the ok from your doctor first and foremost. 

Please do not combine such different substances as there are important risks to be considered.

Secondly, psilocybin is notoriously for giving us what we need and not what we ask for. This means that it will bring emotions, feelings and sometimes memories up to the surface to be dealt with. 

When microdosing, the rise of such experiences is to a much lesser degree than during a macrodose ceremony, but there is a rise nonetheless.

If our current lifestyle does not allow us the space we need to meet our emotions, support our bodies and care for ourselves in ways we have not yet done, then perhaps this is not the time to start a microdosing protocol.

Morning Noon Or Night

Assuming the above is resolved, the ideal time of day is now up for review.

I previously wrote about various protocols and it’s worth noting that there is no right or wrong protocol when it comes to microdosing. 

We encourage beginners to microdose in the morning with breakfast but this is not a rule. If anything, we strongly recommend that once you’ve found your feet and microdosing becomes familiar, then it’s time to experiment.

Experiment with taking your microdose just before bed known as the Nightcap Protocol. Not everyone likes this protocol as some say that it disrupts their quality of sleep. Not everyone feels this way and the only way to know is to try it for yourself.

Microdosing is very much about paying attention to how we feel and then learning what works and doesn’t work for us. What works for us may not be ideal for others and what worked for us today may not be ideal next week.

As you’ve heard me say before, tracking our doses and journaling daily helps us to notice the subtle but potent changes that microdosing brings into our lives so that we can tailor, design, curate and craft as needed.

Use our free app to track your doses and to set reminders. Download it here for iPhone or Android.

If you feel ready to start microdosing and feel supported in your environment, order your starter pack here.

Remember to join our bi-monthly Free Group Coaching Call and of course, join our communities on Facebook or Discord.

Microdosing won’t do the work for us, rather it’s a potent tool for us to use optimally, wisely and safely.

Which is your favorite protocol and how many times has it changed so far? 

Tell me in the comments below.

As always, 

Flow strong.

Asha ✨

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