You might have noticed that microdosing and psychedelic companies are sprouting like mushrooms in the forest lately.
At a glance, microdosing companies can appear to offer largely the same thing, but scratch a little below the surface and you will discover why we are unique in our approach.
Here’s what makes us different and why we stand out from the crowd.
Emphasis On The Sweet Spot
Not every human is the same. Each with our unique biochemistry, medical history, and current life circumstances.
We understand that each individual has a different sweet spot dose. Furthermore, we also have learned that this sweet spot dose may change over time for the same individual.
Knowing how to zone in on the right amount at the right time is vital to an enjoyable and effective microdosing journey.
We developed our own app that will guide and assist you in finding your own personal sweet spot.
Download our Sweetspot app here:
Download for Apple/iOS

We Believe That Community Is A Verb
In one of my past lives, I was the Airbnb city ambassador for Cape Town and I learned the true meaning of community.
So when I joined the Microdose Pro team over 3 years ago, I was unwavering in my commitment to re-creating that same community environment, but for fellow microdosers.
You will find me in our Facebook group and in our Discord channel. I am very active on both those platforms and I know many of our community members by name.
Not to mention virtually meeting our community members during our twice-monthly group coaching calls.
These calls are free and take place on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
These various platforms give me access to our members on a one-to-one basis.
Our most active members know that they can tag me or DM me to share their experiences and ask questions.
You can also catch us on Instagram here: and and @asha_md_coach
Many Levels of Support Are Available
Of course, we have microdosing guides, grow kit guides, and many many blogs available as support documents but we also take it to another level.
We have a resident neuropsychologist on staff available for remote support on a long-term basis for those who may be dealing with more serious and chronic issues.
I also offer short-term coaching for the duration of a microdosing cycle (6-8 weeks).
This shorter coaching package helps our community members navigate through the art of microdosing, implementing new habits, and letting go of what no longer serves.
See our coaching and therapy page for all our support services
As always.
Shine bright. Do good. Flow strong.
Asha ✨
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